Tuesday 14 October 2014




- Comparing Ads -

          October 11th, 2014

Hello all you weirdo's who read my blog. Seriously, who actually reads this stuff? Anyways, today's segment will be about advertising. Specifically, companies who use different ads for the same or similar products in order to target different audiences. An example being the Xbox One. Advertisement's for the system seem to swing back and forth between it being a gaming machine, or being a social hub/ media/TV player.

Just check out the below videos to see how they differentiate between TV, games, and social media:

1) Social Media and TV

2) Games

          Microsoft advertises all these different angles of their system so they can try and persuade all kinds of people. Some people are just looking for a new receiver for their living room, others spend a lot of time on twitter, and most want to buy a console for games, duh. 

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