Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Place Where Brandon Posts Nonsense That You Shouldn't Listen To

Post No. 1


          Facebook. What is it? Should you use it? So  many questions! Well don't worry, I'm here to  answer them.

          Facebook is a social media site that is all about following whats going on with your "friends". I put that in quotes because it's not always your real life friends, they are you're online friends. You can get requests from complete strangers to be your "friend", and you can also send "friend requests" to whoever you want to follow. Once two people are friends, they can chat in Facebook Messenger, they can see each others "Wall Posts", which is anything that the person posts or "shares". So all this sounds great right?... Right?? Well, its not. Social media can be great, but Facebook has one huge flaw. It's populated almost entirely by your Mother and her friends... No thank you.

          If you want a place to post and associate with your friends,  use Twitter. That's all I'll say for now, keep checking back here and sometime when I feel like it I will write a post about Twitter and the benefits of it. Well, that's it. You can leave now. Bye.

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